Current plans and enterprice strategy.

In May 2017 the company "YUGHIMPROM" celebrated the driving up of the first line of rutile  pigment production to the rated capacity. At the present time the company supplies an assortment of pigments with different characteristics determined by the customer.

An interesting fact is that the company has begun the production of such a complex product from the scratch, it has become the first in the Russian market, having not only the experience and enthusiasm of the founders, but also a vision of the needs of the Russian market.

The commercial director Medinsky Vitaly Vitalievich has told us about the work plans and the strategy of the company:

"The objective to arrange the production of this product within the territory of the Russian Federation has been set for a long time.  In 2005 we attracted the scientists and specialists to attain this objective. But it did not go further than the laboratory and the calculation of energy, until a group of researchers of our company dealed with the issue of selecting the equipment for the industrial cycle. We unconventionally recalculated the formulas of loads on the crystal lattice of the carrier, which made it possible to fundamentally develop the conceived production start-up.

From the standpoint of the chemistry of defective crystals, a solid body containing an increased number of defects in comparison with the equilibrial body, has a higher reactivity. This makes it possible to solve  in full the main problem while the epitaxy, and the inoculation of pigmentary titanium dioxide onto the carriers of various structures. This allows not only to improve the characteristics of the original product, but also to meet more stringent environmental standards, which allowed to enter the CIS, Europe and the Middle East market. At the present time the product is supplied to the neighboring countries and passes a number of tests abroad.

The company "YUGHIMPROM" supplies the pigment of 6 grades, which covers almost all analogues of the brands of titanium dioxide available in the market of raw materials, but at more favorable prices for the consumer.
This production was born during the period of constant correction of the prices for raw materials towards increase, which gives additional competitive advantages for the enterprise and the consumer.

In 2017 the enterprise and its employees plan to launch the second line, which will allow to increase production volumes and to maintain the stable quality of the products. For this purpose a laboratory has been set up to monitor each lot of raw materials and finished products.
In the nearest time the company targets to develop and to introduce to the market a phthalocyanine pigment produced using a similar technology.
On behalf of the company's staff I would like to wish all processors of plastics and polymers, as well as employees of the industries where the use of pigments is acute, to always remain on the level of stability and quality in such a difficult period".


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